We are a proud maker of Wisconsin Wines. All of our grapes, honey, cherry juice, and cranberries are locally sourced and chosen for quality wines to be made with. Only 2 of our 15+ varieties are made with juice from the Lake Erie Wine Belt, but are fermented right here in Southwest Wisconsin.
Don't go just yet, we may have more sweet wines than anything else, but that doesn't mean we have nothing to offer dry drinkers! Our dry reds sell by the case, and another fan fave, the St. Pepin, is classified dry by sugar content but has such tasty drinkability that this wine has the potential to please both dry and sweet wine drinkers at your next dinner party! Come see what we have!
Sweet wines are our specialty! We have a handful of wonderful fruit wines that really do taste like the fruit they are made from. Our fan favorite, "Ruby Lady," is a concord grape wine that has been said to taste like concord grape juice, but alcoholic. Our semi-sweets include another fan favorite, Blueberry Mead; a smooth blend of blueberry wine and honey mead, very drinkable for those who like just a little sweet or love the flavor of fresh, raw honey.
It all begins with the fruit. and we choose the best locally grown fruit, local honey, and minimally produced juices that come from the Lake Erie Wine Belt. This makes for exceptionally delicious and decadent wines that allow you to actually taste the signature flavor of each fruit, grape, or honey it was made from.
Wine That Tastes Good